The COFHUAT for the academic year 2016 program
The Cofhuat and social housing
The Cofhuat originated in intellectual movements which, as early as before the war of 14, considered the housing of the workers was the first social issue. The main actors were partisan economists of the social economy, the employer representatives ahead of their time, finally local politicians like Mayor du Havre, Jules Siegfried that was to bring the subject before Parliament to give it a first legislative basis. The concept of cheap housing was born, in France but also abroad with the establishment of the International Federation for housing and planning of the territory in 1913. The objective was to treat the subject in an economic and social perspective overall, to ensure decentralization of decision that allows to adapt it to local realities, to rely on mutualistic practices to empower the beneficiaries themselves. The State set the rules and was involved in the granting of budgetary means but he should leave it at that. Mutuality was the rest.
The same personalities have resumed their Pilgrim's staff after the war of 14 to defend the objectives of construction of housing which did not appear enough in the priorities of the time. This is when Henri Sellier supported in Parliament by Louis Loucheur, measured unmet needs throughout the Department of the Seine and obtained in 1928 that the budget of the State to make housing, now a priority. Jules Siegfried died, they took the relay.
The post-war period brought new concerns, it was necessary to add to the folder of the inadequately housed existing already, the effect of the bombing. The simultaneous destruction of entire cities throughout Europe led to bring States and put in the foreground the institution of the IFHP created before the war of 14. It is within these thoughts beyond the national framework that the Cofhuat was created in 1947 for role to facilitate relationships between all those who are affected by the Act of building. She had his headquarters and has always in what is now Union social for the Habitat. His presidency was entrusted to Albert Denvers, one of the promoters of the post-war housing which then remained Honorary President of the Cofhuat until his death
The lack of housing in the most tense areas and in the opposite direction, negative demographic trends facing part of the France, now pose problems in terms of spatial planning. In tense areas, it is important to measure the inadequacies of housing for each of the categories of employees, also the social Park is sometimes too important with respect to the application. A man like Claudius Petit had already anticipated post-war this evolution. He was one of the founders of the Cofhuat. Our next site, the accommodation of employees, who are interested in funding the Caisse des dépôts, Member of the Cofhuat, but also many private partners, will be a meeting on 22 September.
Among the structures of social Park management offices are HLM agencies who have the most difficulty in adapting to these developments. Their character of local or municipal institution, inhibits their ability to track the consequences of an evolutionary geography. The Cofhuat is in contact on this issue with all concerned partners: offices but also association of medium-sized cities, Anru, CDC, to clarify the actions that would need to be undertaken. It wishes to expand the circle of reflection to better take into account the realities of field in the answers to.
Beyond these major topics, guidelines on social housing personnel can usefully take advantage of information initiated by the Cofhuat in the most varied fields. We are ready to welcome them and wish that offices, companies, cooperatives use this way to support the efforts of their employees to adapt to the changes in our society.